Oh, Blog. I am so sorry I have neglected you. I promise to try and do better...
Ok, so a lot has happened since my last post.. almost two months ago!
Remley participate in her first dance recital, which was held at the Gaillard Auditorium on Father's Day. It was amazing! Her dance studio did a great job at mixing it up, with all age and talent levels. Thanks to Mimi for the roses to celebrate.
The month of July was filled with lots and lots of visitors! But, I am sorry to report I did not take many pictures :(
The week before the fourth - cousins Brandon, Justin, Joelle, Leanne and Chris came to town. The boys went fishing and we celebrated Bubby's birthday (he flew home).. good times!
Our friends Ben and Alecia Hammond came to town the following weekend. We boated and had beached and spent one night at the marsh house (for fireworks!!). It was a great time, minus an afternoon spent in the ER vet (for us) and 3 nights for poor Truman, who ingested too much salt water. He's ok now, but I am sad to report his boat and beach days are over.
The fourth of July was spent with friends Dan and Alison and their children, Frank and GiGi. Lots and lots more fireworks!
Remley took art lessons the month of July and made lots of special pictures.
We also had a visit from friends Lauren and Andy Whitfield and their daughter, Beau.
And finally, our last visitors in July were friends Season and Jason Flowe.