Monday, March 18, 2013

March Maddness

Just a little catch up on what we have been up to! Remley is doing great with her reading! Rhett continues to amaze me with his athletic skills, and Vera gets cuter (possible?!) every day.
Here are a few pictures of fun things that have kept us busy the past few weeks...

Building a Monster Truck
Rhett and I built a Monster Truck at Lowe's. Pretty good mother/son bonding time. And no smashed fingers, even better!

SC Stingrays
OH, they are playing HOCKEY?
The kids and David went with friends Noel and Bennett to see their first hockey game. They seemed to enjoy it as well as the healthy snacks offered!

Team Glitter Potion

The whole family participated in a 5K walk for Juvenile Diabetes, in honor of our friend GiGi who was diagnosed a year ago. Her walking team was "Glitter Potion" and we all wore PINK. Sparkly pink and lots of it!

The Big Date
Rhett n McKenna
Rhett also had his first official (play) date with his most recent crush, McKenna. The kids had a good time playing and helping us moms craft little gift bags full of cookies and coins that we distributed to the neighborhood for St Patrick's day treats!

Crabs for Dad
Happy Birthday
David got to wake up on his 35th birthday not only to his 3 kids, but his favorite niece and nephew as well! Another Friday night camp out, this time with TWO tents! I chose to play up the Saint Patrick's Day theme for David's birthday this year

Breakfast Fun
Birthday Cake
Thirty Five and Lookin' Great

More Basketball

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weekend Round-Up

Kindergarten, preschool, basketball, cheerleading, painting class, baseball, PTA meetings, fundraisers, doctors and dentists appointments, play dates, car pool, 60 Dr Seuss snacks, basketball treats, laundry, laundry, laundry,... not to mention WORK and a BABY to take care of... Sometimes I don't know how people do it. Often times, it seems I can barely get the breakfast mess cleaned up, the baby fed and dressed, and my own teeth brushed before its time to start making lunch or even dinner!Speaking of, better go take something out for tonight....

This Friday, the children camped out in the living room. Seems they had a pretty good time.

However, in true brother/sister fashion the first thing I heard in the morning was this:
Dad: Camping out was fun!
Rhett: Yeah! It was my idea.
Remley: NO it wasn't. It was mine!
Rhett: NO it wasn't!
Remley: YES it was!
Rhett: NUH UH
Remley: UH HUH.
And so on..

Saturday brought more basketball and cheerleading fun. The Little Owls were down two players (and a coach) so Rhett stepped up and was a basket scoring machine! Dad helped out.

Coach Dad
Little Owl Snack Day
Rhett Jordan

Future Blonde
Also this weekend, I found irrefutable evidence that I will have another little blonde running around!

Saturday was the first ever girls night (boys were at Bubby's). We still had the tent up so we had pizza for dinner inside the tent, watched movies, and had a fun time, just us girls.
Remley dressed Vera in her gymnastics outfit and had a "dance" party.

 Apparently  it was a lot of fun because the first thing Remley said to me on Sunday morning was, "Oh Mommy, you have some food smashed on your head."
Night Night Girls
In other exciting weekend news, Rhett received his first "love letter." Fellow classmate and neighbor McKenna delivered a drawing of the future Mr. & Mrs. She informed her mother that "they were in love and will get married" but not to worry they would wait til they were old like us (parents). SIGH.
The Future Mr & Mrs

Finally, sweet little Vera has her first cold and has developed cradle cap. While there is not  much I can do for her cold, I thought I would try the olive oil technique to see if it would help with the cradle cap. Surprise, it did! It also added volume to her roots. Who needs mouse?!
Still Smiling

Friday, March 1, 2013

If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good.” ― Dr. Seuss

Happy Birthday to Theodor Seuss Geisel!
Of course when Remley came and informed me it was Dr. Seuss' birthday next week, my obsessive theme, theme, theme planning brain kicked into high gear. I had all kinds of ideas and started speaking in funny rhymes (in my head, at least). I found a million cute ideas for snacks to send to school and it all seemed like such a good idea. As some of you may know, sometimes my good ideas are only good for a minute or two.. but hey, I tried and we all had fun doing it!

Cindy Loo, is that you?!

Rhett on Crazy Sock Day

Vera Seuss

Remley helped me write One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue fish on cups. Twenty-seven times.  We filled the cups with blue jello and one fish, two fish for her special class snack. Boil one cup of water, add gelatin, stir, add ice, pour carefully into cups... repeat, repeat, repeat. Twenty-Seven times.

We found Cat in the Hat ribbon and jazzed up a skirt and put a bow in her hair. I thought the wild braids must be a bit distracting for a school day. Super cute, either way :)

For Rhett's class I had the great idea to make Truffula tree cupcakes with cotton candy tree tops. How fun! And the teachers will love me, not only for sending in cupcakes, but cupcakes topped with cookies topped with cotton candy!
I figured this warranted a trial run, especially since last weekend we were stuck inside with rain, rain and more rain...
"Water Front Property"
 So, my first go with store bought cotton candy looked pretty cute.

Only, come to find out, cotton candy starts melting as soon as you handle it. And you have to handle it a lot to get it to stick to something in a ball shape. So, in a few minutes you have...
The real party day was upon us, so I solicited the help of GG, since she is much better at baking and more so, frosting! She piped grass for the trees. That definitely looked better than mine!

I tired making the cotton candy thinking that might eliminate some of the "handling" that contributed to the I borrowed a cotton candy maker and made it fresh myself .. thinking maybe that would do the trick. That was sort of fun, didn't taste too bad... but there was no getting around the melting. So, my kids get bags of cotton candy and Rhett's class got lollipops stuck in the Truffula tree trunks.

I am sure all of that food talk made you hungry so I will 
leave you with some Seuss food for thought...
after we sing happy birthday that is!!

Dr. Seuss quotes