Friday, November 30, 2012

Fall Fun

Remley Host's Fall Fun with New Friends
Happy Halloween
The Great American Hero
Big Sister Barbie
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 Harbor View kindergartners took their first field trip to Legare Farms Pumpkin Patch for a morning of fun. The Island School went the next day.
Ella and Remley

Rhett Picking a Good One!
T I G E R S.....
We went to Clemson for the Georgia Tech game. Unfortunately, the Tigers did not win, but we sure had fun.

It was a big crowd at Thanksgiving this year, with family from far away. Aunt Kiki, 2-star General Uncle Dave, Sarah, Hailey, Clare, Davey, Aunt Lisa, Uncle Paul, Adam, Noah, Savanna, Uncle Tim, and Rita joined us in South Carolina.

Remley's class performed a special program for Thanksgiving (she was a Native American  and invited us for soup and cider.

Native Americans Remley and Ella