Monday, October 24, 2011

Busy Weekends...

Wow. Another busy weekend! Friday we visited a potential school for Remley. That night, we had a "slumber party" with our neighbor friend, Riley. Saturday after a special cinnamon roll "breck fixed" (as pronounced by Rhett) - Rhett scored his first goal at his soccer game! No matter, it was not in the correct goal... Saturday night was a dinner party with friends Jess and Lewy, and their children Jade and Bella. Sunday was Disney on Ice. The kids had a great time!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Flashbacks

The first weekend of October we traveled to Easley for the wedding of friends JR Quade and Tessa Cornwell. It was a great time and a special ceremony performed by another friend, Chad Spearman.
We also got to see Mikey perform with The Flashbacks. The kids danced and had a ball!

We also went to the Greenville Zoo, had lunch by the river and attended the Pumpkin Fest.


Rhett is turning into quite the little fisherman. He got a real fishing pole and caught his first fish!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Random Cuteness


In other random news, Remley also got a big girl haircut. She looks quite stylish and a little like her mother!



Rhett continues to be my sweet boy, constantly making me laugh (when not pulling out my hair). Once I told him that it hurts my neck to carry him too long, so every time I pick him up he kisses my cheek and starts massaging my neck! Some one is going to be a lucky lady!

He and Remley have been playing pretend alot with "Barbies". The "pretending" usually ends up with a pool party. Rhett is hysterical, (he has 2 boys) and when he goes to "invite the 'gurl's' to my pool party" he talks in this fake deep voice and does these funny sounds, with his pretend man voice. So cute.

Here is picture of thier current favorite's... Halloween hint!

Crazy Campout

Remley had her first sleepover party at her friend Jade's house. The girls (Piper, Jade, Victoria, Livi and Remley) had a great time and made necklaces, cooked hot dogs, roasted marshmallows, and even got to watch a movie outside on a big screen sheet. Then, they all camped out in a huge tent in the backyard with Ms Jessica. I am proud to say Remley made it all night, and in fact, thought she was staying TWO nights since she had an extra pair of drawers in her overnight bag! Fun sure is tiring, as a 5 hour nap came the next day!


The days seem long, but the months fly by. I can not believe it is half-way through October, and I have not even updated for September. Oh, Blog, once again, I will try and do better.

September: began with my 33 birthday. The family and I headed to "the lake" to celebrate.

Unfortunately, the accommodations, amenities, and things to do weren't all we had hoped, but it surely did provide memories. Memories of needles, May flies, and never returning to "Dingle Pond Road."

Charleston sure looked good on Sunday morning when we returned home to a festively decorated home (thanks Mom and Dad). We had a delicious dinner of fondue and Ginny surprised me with an xBox Kinect so the evening was spent playing!

In September, Remley started gymnastics at Charleston Gymnastics Center and shes doing great. She has "dot days" where she earns a dot based on the skills she has accomplished and her chart is filling right up! She has worked up to a wall handstand can do a forward roll on the floor beam.

Rhett has started soccer and LOVES practice, just not the games so much. He was so excited to start in the first game, but as soon as the other team took the ball from him, he ran crying off the field to Mommy. Bittersweet. Its taken two weeks, but he has progressed to at least standing on the field with his team! One of these days #6 is going to score his first goal! Our blue team still remains undefeated, thanks to its other 3 members, mainly Pablo!

September was filled with birthday parties, play dates, and more birthday parties. Seems October will be the same!