Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Remley Starts Kindergarten

First Day
I'm Ready to Go!
Harbor View
Here is my classroom
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August 22 was Remley's first day of KINDERGARTEN at Harbor View Elementary! Her teachers are Mrs. Killingsworth and Mrs. Hehn and shes a pirate in K-3. The year has gone great! She has made lots of new friends and has learned so much already!

Remley K-3

Rhett T-K
Rhett started in transitional kindergarten at the Island School in Ms. Kate's class. He has also done so well, going from a scribble to fine penmenship in only a few short months. Their parents sure are proud of both of them!
One cute thing they say that I haven't the heart to correct is "aneraser" - I suppose this comes from us saying, "can you hand me an eraser" or "why don't you use an eraser" - so now they think that is the word! They both will say things like, "I dropped my aneraser".... ah, the little things :0

Remley also was thrilled to realize she had a loose tooth on Sept 6. Less than a month later, on Oct 2, she lost it (while at school). Her teachers took special care of it and sent it home with her and Remley was so excited when she awoke to find that the tooth fairy had come and left her a tiny special note with pixie dust, as well as a glittery $5 bill.

 Another tooth followed so she is officially a "snaggle tooth" with two missing next to each other.