Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Vera Turns Two!

SOMEHOW our baby turned two! It has been such a wonder to watch her grow and blossom and become a little person with a huge personality. Vera had added so much joy to our life. As if there was some before, there is never a dull moment. Some of her favorite things these days include spaghetti, lollipops and balloons. She is talking in full sentences and was happy to announce, "Its my birthday, I have some presents !" On her special day, David and I took her for her first visit to the aquarium. While she was somewhat interested in the fish, she was just as entertained watching the kids from the 4 schools there on field trips! We met Papa for lunch at a Italian bakery and pizzeria downtown and then decided to skip our nap. This made for one tired party animal. The cousins came over and we had a great time!
The big T W O 

At the Aquarium

Pizza with Papa
Just for fun, I dressed Vera in the same dress Remley wore on her second birthday. It was fun to see how similar and yet how different they looked!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Angel Tree

This year, we wanted to emphasize the importance of giving, so we hosted a neighborhood Angel Tree. We are happy to say that we were able to help over 40 families and are hopeful to do more next year. We had a small party for everyone as they dropped off the gifts. The next day, David delivered them all to the facility and had to pull a trailer full of bikes. I'd say it was a success!
Shopping for our tree!

Bikes bikes and bikes

Stawberry Tree

Thank you Everyone!

Angel Tree


So Many Thanks

We have been blessed with so much. Wonderful family, great friends, and hearts full of fond memories. Our three beautiful children are rapidly changing and turning into little people of their own. This Thanksgiving, we were honored to have a large group of family celebrating in our new home (ie. EATING! and some sleeping!). It was so great to have everyone together again (and in the same country!). The cousins enjoyed playing with each other and the aunts and uncles enjoyed watching! The actual turkey was great, although the cinnamon rolls, um, Pintrest FAIL. Can't win them all!
Pintrest Fail

Thanksgiving Lunch at School with Bro Bro

Mepkin Abbey 

Hangin with the General


Turkey Time